EcoSomatic protocols of Kinship

EcoSomatic Protocols of Kinship are an embodied way to situate human tacit knowledge through somatic movement and speculative fabulation in order to foster earthly ways of being.
They are relational means that aim to aid us in establishing cross species communication, awakening us to the symbiotic relations of interconnectivity and interdependencies between species in and around us.
Enacting them we perform a soma-linguistic choreography that brings forth ancestral and non human knowledge, sidetracked somatic tools for being in this world, seeing, understanding, (un)learning, connecting with our earthly roots, unveiling to us that we are Nature. In this way they hold a space for technologies of the self to emerge, new carries bags to be formed that can help us be within this trouble and move towards earthly futures.
EcoSomatic Protocols of Kinship are merging conceptual art with pedagogical approaches, becoming a method for (un)learning the known and enabling for imaginative battles to occur, bringing forth new counter tactics to be in this Anthropocentric AI age. Adaptable to individual and collective implementation they hold a space for multispecies communication, exchange, grounding and reflection.
Photos by Elvira Kakusi taken at the Bio art Forum in Novi Sad

Enacting protocols