Projects implemented with NAPON and INTERKULTIVATOR
Section of projects I worked on within the non profit sector related to art and technology. I still continue to conceptualize, produce and manage projects at the cross section of these areas. Topics explored so far are dealing with effects of technological development to society and nature, algorithmic governance, soft power, education and digital heritage
Mapping the digital
cultural heritage
Project Mapping of digital cultural heritage- Digital art at the turn of 20th and 21st century is mapping and archiving digital practices in Serbia and the region. With a focus on art that revolves around technology and science the idea is to create a database with the representative artworks and start a series of discussions, talks regarding the issue of digitization and preservation of ephemeral art.
#database #conference #public talk

Society, art & technology
Open school for creative ideas
Institute for flexible culture and technologies – Napon in cooperation with the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad formed an Open School for young people and thus started with series of activities within the project “Society, art and technology – Open school a place of cultural, artistic and scientific importance among the youth. ” Designed as a reading group and a place for public presentations, lectures and open discussions with artists and professionals, the program has provided the newest sources of information. Young participants constructively discussed and debated on variety of topics in area of current developments in the field of art and technology.
#reading group #talks, #lectures #workshops #publication
International meeting for Interdisciplinary research
in Art & STS
International meeting for interdisciplinary research in Art & STS of Central and Eastern Europe, initiated and produced by NAPON, was launched to bring together artist and experts from the region to share experiences and knowledge about the current cultural scene in the region with a focus on hybridity in today’s art scene, what we called Art & Science, Technology & Society (STS).
#meeting #artplatform #cooperation

Techno Ecologies
The Techno-Ecologies project was devoted to building a collaboration platform, which will support artistic and creative explorations towards sustainable future development. The core of the project consisted of 3 countries Finland, Latvia and Serbia with external collaboration with France, Litvania and Netherlands (Baltan Laboratories /The Netherlands/, Ars Longa /France/, Nida Art Colony of Vilnius Arts Academy /Lithuania, Chant des Possibles /France/, Van Abbemuseum /The Netherlands/
The idea of the project was to make the important next step not only to disseminate the results of novel artistic research on sustainable future to wider public (through project activities), but also to extend the level of collaboration by linking up the NGO field (culture, social, activism) with established institutions (universities, museums), thus integrating these new (or other ) experiences into an existing (culture and education) system and allowing the project to achieve the aim of contributing to the greater benefit for the society.
#exhibitions #publication #workshop #residencies #public talks #networking #environment #sustainability #art&technology